Welcome to Nelson Honey Malaysia
The only place you can get a quality honey from the company that pioneering New Zealand Beekeepers since 1899

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Nelson Honey Malaysia
The Buzzing Place to Be by Tifolife Enterprise
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Our Online Store are hosted in our Tea for Lifetime Online store at www.teaforlifetime.com. You may also purchase all our health supplement product from the website. Thanks
Nelson Honey in Malaysia: The Full Story
A Nature-Loving Community
“Best quality honey” is our motto here as a distributor for Nelson Honey in Malaysia. As an importer and distributor for Malaysia market, we had try our best to source the most pioneering New Zealand beekeepers since 1899. What they started out since last four generation as a small farm century ago and now became a thriving business, with dozens of beehives and a variety of products. In everything that we do, we are committed to producing organic, eco-friendly and healthy goods at affordable prices. If you want to learn more, get in touch today via our contact form or just have a look more in our learn section.

Products Certification
Worried about our quality? Nelson Honey undertakes regular internal audits to fulfil compliance responsibilities with New Zealand Food Safety Authority regulations since 2006 and was authorised to export to the European Union. Our code is NELSONAP2/01. We are a registered exporter of animal products and our licence is renewed annually by NZFSA. Our official identification is NA1PC. For Malaysia market all product specification and certificate for Nelson Honey product was submit to Food Safety Information of Malaysia (FOSIM) under Ministry of Health.
Honey is food for life for centuries even was writtten in Holy Quran as food for remedies. So Nelson Honey had take early inisitive to apply a Halal Certificate from The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ)
Contact Us
Nelson Honey Malaysia is organise by Tifolife Enterprise. A sold distributor for Health & Heather Tea from UK, Nelson Honey from New Zealand and Traditional Medicinal tea from USA.
No. 18, BSP Avenue, Bandar Saujana Putra, 42610 Jenjarom, Selangor, Malaysia
General: nelsonhoney.my@yahoo.com
Sale : zairol@tifolife.com.my